Exploring Emerging Therapies in the New Wave of Obesity Therapeutics: From Mechanism of Action to Combination & Sequential Therapies to Improving Efficacy, Durability, & Muscle Loss Side Effects
December 10-12, 2024 | San Diego, CA

Welcome to the Innovation in Obesity Therapeutics Summit
Benchmark your development and align your 2025 R&D strategies with the latest industry trends to stay ahead of the curve and ensure your place in the future of obesity therapeutics.
There’s no ignoring the GLP-1 boom, which has acted as a catalyst for this transformative era, redefining the industry and setting the stage for unprecedented growth. With the market set to skyrocket to $131 billion by 2028, staying ahead of the curve is essential for leaders in this space.
Introducing the Innovation in Obesity Therapeutics Summit – West Coast, which made its landmark debut in San Diego in December 2024. This exclusive event united senior decision-makers from top pharma and biotech companies to explore cutting-edge strategies, push the boundaries of innovation, and delve into the latest breakthroughs in obesity drug development.
Attendees staked their claim in the obesity field and capitalized on the momentum created by GLP-1-based therapeutics. Attendees joined in San Diego, where the future of obesity therapeutics shaped and define attendees' 2025 research and development strategy.

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